Timing is one of the main keys of life success. This is why having faith and being patience is know as the how to please God. “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6)

This is not an easily method to mastered, in fact it’s probably one of the most difficult of all the skills to master, nevertheless, it is one that you must control when pursuing your purpose.

Even with wise counseling and good advice, there are many people who will make a move before the right timing. This is cause due to being impatience and not wanting to wait any longer, but this can cause a major shipwreck in your life.

Your purpose is not something that just could happen over night, or a flick of a switch. You must look at the bigger picture. Don’t be to egger to go to soon. David said I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry”(Psalm 40:1 KJV) Timing is everything.

As we look at how runners work so hard to master the starting of a race. They wait and listen patiently for the starting gun to go off before they make they move. Going to soon could disqualify them from the race, and going to late could cause them to lose. Ether way they will not be a winner.  So how can you avoid from moving out of timing.

1: Almost everything in life, there is someone who did it before. What you want to do is seek out that person or persons and ask the correct questions. So when you feel like you are waiting in vain or the timing is right for you to make that move, just to know the procedure can save you from making a big mistake.

2: Take the information you receive and use it as your stepping stone towards your destination. In other words, don’t over look what you receive as though you do not need it to survive your eagerness to jump the gun. Remember, they did what you attempting to accomplish. 

Too often we attempt to accomplish the impossible by ourselves, when they are people who did it before us. We keep a close mouth because we may think that we will be laugh at, but I say to you, there is no such thing as a dump question. I often here my Pastor say this in bible study. If you don’t know, and you want to know ask, the only dump question is the on that you neglect to ask.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7 KJV)
Carl Mathis: author of “Life is What You Make it- Seven Steps to Moving Forward”


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