Task Oriented: How to Get Where You Want to End Up

Getting result is the main goal to achieving success in anything you pursuing. Result comes from being organized and task oriented in your planning. To give a valid explanation in the views of how this works; the life of Jesus is a perfect example.

When Jesus calls for disciples, He ensures that they are teachable and most of all task oriented. People who are ever learning and always achieving are most likely task oriented people.

For example, fisher-men are well organized in there task. When they go out in the morning, what they catch is what they depend on for survival, so intern they would envision a task that requires them to accept responsible for getting result by doing the right thing.

Responsibility: Jesus calls two people, Simon and Andrew to become “fisher of men” because it leaves no doubt about their responsibility to achieve result and be accountable. This is exemplifying of what Jesus Himself was involve in, His own discipleship. He was given a task by His Father to do, see it through to the end, and then give the report from the cross, “it is finish” So He looks for people who would follow in His foot steps.

Getting the right thing done: Only the right thing when done will produce result. Jesus has a standard for effective result, which we should model after. To be effective means to pay attention to getting the right things done than to getting things done right.

Accountable: Result must be reported as well as achieved, When Jesus calls Andrew and Simon to become “fishers of men” In the terms of management theory, this is why Jesus gives them a realistic job preview of His own discipleship task from His Father.

Getting where you want to end up will be the result of doing the right thing at the right time. Getting the right thing done requires consistency of relationship between superiors and subordinates. In formal organizations these relationships are defined by a contract. A person seeking employment will be presented with a task description that spells out the qualifications and the expectation for a job. In return for that investment of personal qualities and skills, the employers will specific the rewards of title, position and financial compensation.

A contract is then prepared as a reciprocal agreement between the two parties, employer and employee. By definition the contract is functional, legal and impersonal. The employee provides the skills to perform and function in exchange for tangible rewards base upon performance. Performance only comes by being task Oriented.

Carl Mathis, author of Life is What You Make It – Seven Steps to Moving Forward. Got to Carl website for motivation/inspiration at http://www.carlmathis.com


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