Do People Really Have Angels Assigned To Them?

It is said that angels are real and living among us. The question is: What do you believe? Is it possible that the same person that you passed almost every day on the street corner asking you for a dime or a quarter is an angel? Is it possible that your seventh grade teacher, who always seemed to touch your heart whenever she spoke, is an angel? How about when you were feeling not so good, and when you prayed, you felt something come and touch you gently, was that an angel? In order for God to work between the seen world and the unseen world, angels are the bridge that works between both worlds. In other words, angels are Heavenly beings sent by God to convey His message. This might be a hard fetch for some, but the truth of the matter is, in scriptures, angels are said to be guardians sent by God to watch over the human race, to deliver His message, to guard and protect us from danger, and to do battle with other spiritual beings on our behalf. They are primarily spiritual be...