Mind Power Training: How to Discover Your Divine Purpose
When we feel misaligned,
without passion or rhythm, we’re not being guided by our spirit. Many people
are influenced by the needs of others, the paycheck that supports them and the
demands that dominate them. On this path we eventually live like slaves to a
man-made system. We chase the goals of others instead of pursuing our own
dreams. We deaden our despair with the next purchase, pill or ill-gotten gains.
We do what we think we should instead of living beyond what logic alone can
God is always speaking to us.
Giving us clues, insight and direction about the reason why we’re here. It can
be difficult to hear His still small voice because of the many things that can
distract us, but with intentional effort and a few minutes of quiet time each
day, we can be still and know God’s purpose for our life. When we know God, and
we hear God, our talents start to feel energized. We awaken with excitement and
expectation. We are downloaded with divine ideas and next steps. We hear the
answers to our burning life questions like:-Why I am here?
-What should I do next?
-How can I make my life more
-What makes me happy?
Without times of stillness, there
will be feelings of disconnect, despair and foreboding that result from living
outside our divine purpose much like a light bulb without a lamp. But when we
cultivate listening to our spirit and ultimately follow it to realize our
purpose, it is the feeling of fitting in, like a piece in a puzzle. It feels
peaceful. From it comes the innate satisfaction of giving the gifts that you
and you alone can contribute to the world.
Being spirit driven is
fundamental in finding your direction—both big and small. Whatever you do with
your life, it should honestly be the outflowing of who you uniquely are. That
way, you don’t have to work hard to manufacture it. It’s best when it is
organically and artistically an outpouring of your gift, your talent, your
Motivational Speaker Carl Mathis, author of "Pursuing Your Purpose" (The Series) http://www.carlmathisbooks.com
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