Out of control could also be the
result of a premature decision made by a person, someone that did not take the
time to explore all options, or just did not think before they acted. There is
a particular story in the Bible about a father and son, which shows how out of
control could be the result of making a decision to do something before the
appointed time. In this story, you will get an idea of what not to do, while at
the same time learn what to do.
The story goes like this. A young
man made a decision to confront his father concerning the inheritance that his
father had in place for him. This was a mistake the young man made. What the
young man did not know was inheritance is exactly what the name said,
inheritance, which means a person has to die for someone to inherit. However,
if a person received the inheritance before the person dies, then it is not
called inheritance. It could be called a gift, or a willing blessing with a
portion of what’s to come in the future. That’s because inheritance is for
future use, which will enable the person or persons to carry on their life.
This young man demanded that his
father to give him his potion of his inheritance. He was not willing to wait
for the death of his father. Was the young man a hot head, maybe so? Was he too
anxious and think he knows it all, most likely. However, this is the case of an
immature decision made with the intention of a selfish motive. When things like
this happen, look out, because no good thing in going to come from a decision
like that.
young man’s father decided to give his son what he asked for. Was the father
too soft and gave into his son? That’s a question I want you to answer.
the way that God works when it comes to you fulfilling His wills in your life,
it sometimes looks confusing to the natural man. This is why the Bible says
without faith it is impossible to please God. Never try to understand God and
his thinking capability. Just obey His word by the guidance of the Holy Spirit
and trust that He will lead you in the right path. So, by the father giving his
son what he wanted, although it may look like the father, should not have done
that, the lesson that the son will learn, surpasses what people may say about
his father. The young man’s father had enough faith in God that he knows what
the end result would be if God were involved.
is through faith and patience that God’s promises are to be obtained. Patient
conviction that God’s word is to be trusted will bring the believer through
times of perplexity. So the young man’s father knew exactly what he was doing.
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