To value the potential wrapped up in your calling, will take seeing your ministry as a spiritual counterpart to an old-time country doctor. This qualify country doctor does he duties of delivering babies, saw children through their growing up years, give them preventative shots, cures their fevers, listened to their dreams, help them through puberty and pimples, taught them the facts of life, attend their weddings, deliver their children and then started the cycle again for the new generation. However, he was often frustrated by his failures, underpaid by his patients, poorly equipped by technology and not especially viewed as an important professional by his peers in big city hospitals. But as he live his life, he had the incredible joy of knowing he save Tim’s life, brought Margie and her baby through difficult labor, sat up all night as Granny changed worlds and prescribe healing medicine to make Jack feel better in a few days. Your calling has a similar impact on caring out the ...
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