Christ Is The Perfect Role Model:

In support of His call for us to be trustworthy, Jesus commits Himself to being our role model. Even though the disciples know the value of trust, they are human and subject to lapses; they were in the company of Jesus for about three and a half years, and witnessed an unbroken trust from Christ. Jesus kept every promise that He made to them.

Every leader needs a role model: Look at the distinction between a hero and a model.

A Hero – is a person who shows you who you can be.
A Model – is a person who shows you what you can do.

At an early age we might call our models heroes. Our heroes may be fictitious characters or eminent persons whom we do not know.

An editorial in Life Magazine years ago extolled Dag Hammarskjöld, Pope John X11, and Albert Schweitzer as heroes of the twentieth century. After reviewing their individual achievements, the article concluded with the statement that they shared one quality in common because they chose to be good first, they became great later. Though never meeting them, in someway they could conceder heroes of mind. Their book and those written about them showed the value of seeking to be good rather than great.

Every leader needs a role model: Role models are persons who exemplify a quality of/in life one desires to reciprocate. In human relationship, especially between leaders and followers, there is no higher value to be modeled than the quality of trust.

For example, Dr James Gregory served as the president of Spring Arbor College. In addition to his administrative duties, he taught Greek homiletics and philosophy. Not only did students stand in awe at his towing intellect but found themselves thirsting for the Spirit of God which exuded from his teaching and his preaching.

Maybe he was to gentle and gracious to be a good administrator but when he disciplined the student body for pranks and etc. the student felt that they betrayed his trust. When Dr. Gregory died he left several of his personal items for some of the students. His doctoral cap & gown, his leather-bound, gift-edged copy of Thomas a Kempis’s classic devotional The Imitation of Christ and his well read edition of C.S Lewis’s autobiography, Surprised by Joy. Even more important that the items are the values they communicated. Dr. George left the legacy of academic excellence, spiritual devotion and a joyful witness. In him we say the Spirit of Christ.

Once trust is established and maintained through some testing, other values will follow. For this reason, Jesus makes trust the quality of the life that He will exemplify for His disciples.

Because He is the model of our trust, we can be trustworthy.

Carl Mathis: author of “Life is what you make it – seven steps to moving forward.” Allow Carl Mathis to motivate/inspire you with his Christian words of encouragement. Go here now


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