The Gateway

In the book of John, the author writes in conjunction with what Jesus said. He said,

Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures. The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My [God’s] purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:9–10 (NLT)

It’s so unfortunate that we cannot get away from life’s occurrences. Sometimes, we try our best to avoid and hide from encountering situations, but the true fact is that we always bump right into them.

This is because there is an adversary who intended to kill, steal and destroy your dreams and desires. This is where a great majority of situations and circumstances come to hinder your goals in life.

Avoiding them can be a difficult task, but if you happened to be involved in any situation, here is where the purpose of Jesus comes into the picture. He said that He is the gateway to resolving any situation, and if you make the decision of going through His gate, you will know how to handle whatever the enemy throws into your direction. In others words, Jesus’ purpose is to provide you with a rich and satisfying life.

When you think about a gateway, it is separated by something that is there to keep unwanted people and trespassers from entering. A solid, still gate, but once you enter it, you are also protected from the unwanted people and trespassers.

Carl Mathis .Author of “Life is what you make it – seven steps to moving forward”
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