"Pursuing Your Purpose -How to Discover God's Revelation For Your Life"

In the blink of an eye this can be taken away from you. Yes, we know that there’s a starting and an ending point to our lives, but if you open your notebook of what you’ve accomplished, would you notice an increase in all that God has entrusted to you with? Many times I’ve heard people say, “I wish I could do it all over again,” or “if I had a chance I would do it differently.” Well it’s never too late? If you are still among the living, you have adequate time to accomplish the things that you might’ve missed during your neglected moments. It was on a Mother's day when I decided to take my boys to the cemetery to place flowers on their mom’s grave. While visiting the grave, memories of the past came forward and I began to reflect on how at an early age she was taken away from this world. Dying at the tender age of thirty-six, she did not have enough time to do all that she wanted while she was alive. Yes, there were good and bad times too but I re...