Spiritual Leadership

Of all the occupation, a “Leader” lives with the greatest tensions between being a servant and a leader. Jesus poses a dilemma for us when he says, “whosoever will be great among you let him by your minister, and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant’ (Matthew 20:26-27) As we look at this dilemma Jesus posses, this indicates that for one to get further or productive, he/she must first give. Or another way for saying this is, to be a leader you must follow. On one side of the self contradictory statement is our image of a leader, a person with power, having the ability to inspire enthusiasms, interest in others by means of personal influence, and impressive achievement. The trouble begins when we try to reconcile that image with our thoughts about what a servant should be – ready to submit to others, modest and reserved, not praised and honored. Trying as we might, human efforts to combine these qualities into the role of the servant-leader fail us. Acc...